
Gender Representation in Civil Society and the Private Sector

The project addresses gender equality and the empowerment of women as an integral part of the national development, social and political program, recognized as the center of progress towards and achievement of sustainable development. Gender equality means that women and men enjoy full and equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities, regardless of the sector and that the principles of gender equality should not be applied only in the public sector.

This project is designed to support civil society and the private sector to become more responsive to gender issues. The project presents a wide range of strategies in several areas of action that can be implemented by entities (businesses and NGOs), regardless of the number of women members. In order to convey the overall objective of the project, the following specific objectives are intended to be achieved: to contribute to a gender-sensitive civil society and private sector that responds to the needs and interests of both men and women in their structures, activities, methods and work; to promote and achieve equality in the number of women and men across all internal organs and structures of organizations. (Committees, Chairs, Boards, and other bodies); develop a policy framework for gender equality appropriate to the national context of civil society (including the Policy against Sexual Harassment and the Code of Conduct for civil society and the private sector); and promote gender equality as a positive thing to do made in the 21st century.

This project was implemented by KSCJ under the Commitment for Equality - E4E program, funded by USAID and managed by the Advocacy Training and Resource Center - ATRC