
Ending Violence Against Women: Enforcing Norms, Changing Mindsets

The “Enforcement of Norms, Changing Minds” programme (February 2017 — January 2020) aims to end gender-based discrimination and violence, focusing on the least favoured groups in six Western Balkan countries — Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia - and Turkey. The main goal of the three-year Programme is for women and girls to live a life free of discrimination and violence.

In this context, it is necessary to collect qualitative data and support for specific parts of the process for preparing the basic study of the program in Kosovo. Creating this foundation will lead to a better understanding of current and dominant attitudes and perceptions - and the factors that influence them - towards gender equality and violence against women at the community level.

Baseline is expected to quantify and contextualize the following indicators that the Program generally focuses on:
(1) Percentage of people among targeted communities in Kosovo who feel it is never justifiable for a man to beat his wife, broken down by gender and age;
(2) Perception of the roles of women and men among women, girls, boys and men in target communities